Friday, March 23, 2012

TIE Blog 2

The students were thrilled with their final product.  They enjoyed playing it on the Smartboard and hearing themselves on the screen.  They did a fantastic job and had some creative answers to my questions.
What worked well? 
The students really enjoyed getting to see their final product.  They enjoyed hearing their voices and I did get every student that was present to speak for the voicethread.  I had the students read their response to the HOTS question prior to speaking it.  Some of them wanted to alter their response after saying it out loud.  It was a great way of having them think and process their new knowledge.

What would you do differently next time?” 
Having my voicethread already loaded onto several of the student computers.  I tried to use the "shared" website again ( - but it didn't work.  I'm not sure why because it worked perfectly in our ETEC class.  I would have also liked to have music playing in the back of the voicethread.

My students worked with these questions about the 1920s:

What is the Roaring 20s?

How did it affect Americans?

How is 1920s entertainment different than today's entertainment?

Predict how today's entertainment will affect future entertainment.

For Fun

1.To check your knowledge against a fourth grader, answer the questions yourself.  
2.Then watch the voicethread to see how your knowledge compares to theirs.


Did you get more than one computer to work for voicethread in your classroom?  If so, how did you do it?

How would you enhance this voicethread interactive activity through vertical or horizontal spiraling curriculum?  

How would you incorporate the naturalistic multiple intelligence in this lesson?

FULL SCREEN version of Roaring 20s voicethread

Here are my 3 comments:

Margo's Plants Lesson Plan

Maegan's Gram Lesson Plan

Eila's Animal Lesson


  1. Did you get more than one computer to work for voicethread in your classroom? If so, how did you do it?

    I originally wanted to use three computers and have the students in groups and each group would go to the designated computer to record. But once I started thinking about how long it would take me to explain that to everyone I changed my mind. I did not want my whole lesson to consist of my VOice Thread. So, instead I taught a handful of students the day before and then had them record independently the day of.

    Did your computer(s) have trouble loading the identity icons?

    Actually this is where I feel short. I did not have the students go and choose an identity before they recorded. For some reason I completely did not think of this step! So instead they all recorded under the same identity.

    Thanks and Good Job!!


  2. Your VoiceThread came out great Mindy! As far as your questions....
    I used five computers. In order to use the five computers I had to use different emails for each computer. Though I still encountered some problems with forced log outs I think it was more to the fact that so many people were conducting their VoiceThread lessons simultaneously. It was working a few days later when I retried. And for your second question, No I didn't have any trouble uploading the icons. I just don't like that it took so long.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Mindy, you did a great job on your voicethread. It was very interactive and creative. The pictures were great!

  5. Way to go Mindy. I like the doodling part of your lesson.

  6. Your voice thread Mindy was excellent and very interactive. Great job!

  7. Great Lesson Mindy! I liked that you showed the students the finished product on the smart board. My classroom has a smart board as well. I am going to use your idea and show the voice thread and movie clip that I posted to my blog of their classroom during the lesson the next time I am in the classroom. I would have liked to utilize more than one computer for this project as well. Maybe A&M can buy into the full version of this technology.You did a great job!

    1. Thank you very much Felicia! :) I know your students will enjoy seeing their finished product. The SmartBoard is fabulous because all the students can see it!!

  8. Did you get more than one computer to work for VoiceThread in your classroom? If so, how did you do it?

    I used 3 computers during my lesson since we only had 3 headphones. I made a step by step picture guide on how to post a comment on VoiceThread for the students. I gathered the entire class in front of the computers before the lesson to model how to record a comment and to show them how to use the guide if they got stuck. I also sent the students up to record in pairs so they could help each other. Two brains are better than one!

    How would you incorporate the naturalistic multiple intelligence in this lesson? My lesson used materials from outside. The students weighed various objects you find in your yard and then reported their findings on VoiceThread.

    Excellent Job Mindy! Impressive!

    1. Thank you Stephanie!

      To answer your questions:

      I used only one computer for this lesson. I tried to get multiple computers to work like we did during our ETEC lesson - but I was unsuccessful.

      I had a difficult time coming up with some naturalistic. Therefore it was the only intelligence I was missing. Unless you could count that the boom in 1920's came from the natural resource of oil.

  9. Your lesson was great and the whole presentation was very impressive. You can see that you put much time and effort into making this a great technology experience. It seemed very interactive from the video, to the smartboard,to the actual voicethread. Good job!

  10. Hey Mindy,

    I really loved your voice thread. Dr. Elwood used your blog as an example for me to go by because I was so confused on this whole thing. Thanks for making such a great blog! You are very inspiring!


    1. Thank you for the kind words. Glad I could help you. :)
